Job System
Job System
There exist several different categories of Jobs in Dusk Tactics so I’ve included a few terms below that should help make this section easier to read.
Generic Jobs are race-specific Jobs that any unit of a given race can potentially use. This includes any main characters as well. As of 10/23, the majority of Generic Jobs are for the Human Race, but several exist for other races.
Unique Jobs are unique to a specific main character and cannot be used by any other unit.
Generic Variant Jobs are special versions of the Generic Jobs that are unique to specific characters you may meet while playing. These Jobs take the place of whichever Generic Job they are created from, so the character will only be able to use the variant version of the Job.
Enemy Only/NPC Only Jobs are Jobs that are not available to player units.
Jobs, or Classes as they are sometimes called, are essentially combat paradigms a unit uses to augment their potential. That being said, each Job has it’s strengths and weaknesses. They come with individual Ability Sets, Passives, Equipment Restrictions, Stat Growths, and use specific sprites. Generic Jobs have different sprites for male and female units, but there is no difference in terms of stat or ability, it’s purely cosmetic.
Jobs are separated into Tiers, with the more general, weaker Jobs being on the lowest Tier and the most advanced being on the highest Tier. These Tiers are seen below and are known as Starter, Basic, Novice, Adept, and Advanced. Tiers beyond the Starter Tier are split into two groups which can be seen below. They are designated by the letter (A) for the lower set and the letter (B) for the upper set.
Aside from the Starter Tier (Tier I) Jobs have requirements that must be met before a unit is able to use them. These requirements vary from having the unit reach a specific Rank for lower tier Jobs to a number of different special conditions. Once the requirements are met the Job can then be purchased which will allow the unit to equip it.
Previously we talked about upper and lower sets for each Job Tier. Jobs in the upper set (B) are allowed to have Job Requirements from the lower set (A), so basically from the same Tier. In any other circumstance, Job Requirements will always be lower tiered Jobs.
Order Orbs
The orbs refer to the Orders that the Job is associated with, each with a specific theme. There are ten (10) different themes and thus ten (10) different Job Orders. Starter Jobs have one (1) Order, while higher tiered Jobs can have as many as four (4). When a Job has more than one Order, it’s ‘color’ is based on the combined colors of all involved Orders.
You can read more about Orders by visiting the Order Page in the Lore Section.
Generic Job List

Starter Jobs
There are three (3) Jobs that a unit can start with: Soldier, Scout, and Scribe. Each of them represents a general introduction to different methods of combat.
Tier I
Basic Jobs
This tier offers a more varied set of Jobs. Some of them expand previous Jobs while others act as introductions to even more specific combat styles. There are six (6) Jobs in the lower tier, all of which have requirements based on ranking up Jobs from the Starter Job set. There are also two (2) Jobs in the upper tier with special unlock requirements.
Tier IIA
Tier IIB
Note: Tier IIB is not considered to be higher than Tier IIA, for all intents and purposes, they are equal.

Novice Jobs
The third tier is where the Jobs start to become a lot more specialized. Jobs at this tier, are considered Novice Jobs and mark the start of the path towards the ultimate jobs. There are ten (10) Jobs in the first part, Tier IIIA and (6) in Tier IIIB.

Adept Jobs
The fourth tier of Jobs is known as the Adept Tier. It contains some of the best Jobs in the game and contains Jobs that specialize in one or two areas and have very specific roles. Like the previous set, it contains ten (10) Jobs in the lower tier and six (6) Jobs in the upper tier.
As of 10/23 everything from this tier is still being designed.
Tier IVA

Tier IVB

Advanced Jobs
The fifth tier of Jobs is unknown at this time. It’s rumored to contain extremely strong Jobs but the methods of acquiring them are currently unknown.
As of 10/23 everything from this tier is still in the very early process of development.
Tier V

Development Info
As of 10/23 Dusk Tactics contains about 40 playable Jobs in total, with more in the works.
This list includes 27 Generic Human Jobs, 4 Generic Feylin Jobs, 3 Unique Jobs, 2 Generic Variants Jobs, and more than a dozen Enemy/NPC Jobs. Each Job within a race has a unique set of Abilities and Passives, Stat Growths, Equipment Restrictions and sprites.
Plans for the future include the addition of 25 more Generic Human Jobs, with many in the initial designing phase. On top of that there are also a few more Main Characters planned, each of which will have a Unique Job, and some more Named Generic Jobs.
Race-based Jobs are a recent addition and the plan is to create a small amount of alternate versions for each race based on the Human Generic Jobs. This has been started with the Feylin race which already has the Fighter (Soldier), Theurge (Scribe), Apothecary (Chemist). They will share some abilities and passives with their counterparts as well as introduce some new ones.