Dusk Tactics takes place across multiple countries that exist on what is known as the Northern Continent.
You’ll travel around to many locations via the World Map. Many of these locations lie within the Kingdom of Acedia, but there are many locations without whose influence will be felt during your journey.
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While there exists many different stories about the creation of the world, the most prominent of them involve the Elementals.
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The world is inhabited by many living creatures of which some are sapient. While only a few of these mostly humanoid races live beside one another, they all face similar challenges. Learn about the basics of the more populous races such as Humans, Feylins, and Dreykins their histories.
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Throughout the land there exist factions that have developed over time which represent collections of knowledge and wisdoms. These are known as Orders, or Guilds. Many entities in the world of Dusk Tactics have an Order representing them, from the many different Jobs, to the Elements, and even Countries.
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Dusk Tactics has a large spanning cast of characters, some of which you’ll get to know very well and some you’ll just meet in passing. Check out this section for a sample of what is to come.
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