New Website Server
Well, the old server apparently went down for good, which is a bit upsetting. I have been meaning to make a cleaner site for the game so maybe this will be a good chance.
I’ll probably use this blog feature for updates similar to a development log. I don’t want to take any time away from the game to build a site from scratch so WordPress is what we’ll use. I’ve never used it before so it’ll take some getting used to. I kind of like the light/dark theme thing, so use whichever you like.
As I mentioned above I’ll allow account creation and commenting after I figure out a good spam filter.
I might also bring over some old news post from what I can gather via the cache for the old site. For posterity, of course.
I made some new images for this site as well as the game’s IndieDB site, which is now live but nowhere near finished.
I also wanted to thank Twitter/X or whatever it is now for removing so many features from their API. Would have been nice to have a feed with images, but what can you do?
Also would be nice if people without an account could view posts.