Dusk Tactics is a turn based, tactical role playing game being developed for PC, Mac, Linux. It features 2D isometric pixel art, dynamic battle maps with varied terrain and weather, an overworld, and in depth unit management system.
This project is the culmination of everything I’ve ever wanted in an SRPG / turn-based tactics game and it’s come a long way, however there is still much to be done. I’ll have more info on the devlog soon!
You can check out a list of implemented features here.
- Dusk Tactics – ScreenTest Released, Testers Needed!by louAs we get closer to a wider alpha demo release of the early version of Dusk Tactics, I will be conducting various tests to see the best methods for handling things like screen resolution.
This is the toughest part because there are so many different resolutions, and then you have OS DPI magnification, etc. Since Dusk Tactics uses pixel art, we really want to make sure the players get the best looking experience possible.
I released an executable JAR file, which you can find here along with instructions:
If you have the time, test it out and give some feedback! It’d be greatly appreciated! So far it’s worked well, but we need a much wider sample size.
It emulates how Dusk Tactics would appear on your screen using what I like to call the ‘forced resolution change” method.
If it is successful, it’ll be one additional option to allow players to get a nice, smooth, pixel perfect gameplay experience.
- Dusk Tactics Engine: Flying 2D Isometric Movementby louRecently I decided to tackle flying-based movement. If you’re familiar with games like Tactics Ogre, you may recall everyone’s favorite hawkman: Canopus. There’s also the elusive Divine Knight class. What these have in common is they are winged humanoids and thus can both fly and walk.
What I always found fascinating was how winged units in Tactics Ogre would choose to travel across a given path. They default to walking, but if the path calls for it, they extend their wings and take off. Flying humanoids don’t stay flying, however, they need to land at the end of the path so their destination must be a walkable tile. Anyway, borrowing the Divine Knight sprite from Tactics Ogre, I created a flying humanoid placeholder and began the arduous task of not only pathfinding, but also traversing this path correctly.
The gif to the left shows JUST the pathfinding. The unit visits each tile on the path, but does not correctly animate or transition between tiles.
You can sort of see the unit jump from node to node, or in this case tile to tile.
The Dusk Tactics Engine uses a modified indexed A* (A-star) algorithm, which is commonly used for tile-based maps.
Typically this is used with a single layer of tiles and while in this instance I did required a second layer, it’s sort of superficial so I didn’t need to make any large changes such as adding hierarchies.
The superficial layer that sits above the ground is called ‘airspace’ and is essentially an invisible tile above the ground tile that can only be traversed by units who have the flying movement type.
This simple step involved adding a new connection to each tile that connected it to the airspace directly above it. With that done, all of the airspace tiles were then linked together just like the ground units, connecting adjacent tiles and so on.
A few days of banging my head against a wall and I was able to turn this into something that actually looks somewhat decent.Now that we had a way to retrieve paths for flying units, we need the unit to properly traverse it.
Before I go on, to understand movement in the Dusk Tactics Engine, you’ll want to read about how it was implemented: Dusk Tactics Engine – Unit Movement
Since we’re using 2D and faking a 3rd dimension, we had to employ some tricks to achieve a consistent depth sorting.
This was where it got difficult. Since the terrain is so varied, there’s no one size fits all solution. So I focused on two types of flight: vertical ascending/descending and horizontal.
Horizontal flight is basically movement between two airspaces, which is similar to how land-based movement works. The unit adapts to the height difference and does its best to move from tile to tile.
Vertical ascent/descent triggers when the unit is faced with a strict height difference between tiles. Basically they use their wings to ascend or descend as needed and then switch to either horizontal flight, if they are still airborne, or if they can walk, they switch back to land-based movement.
I still have a bit farther to go, but outside of more advanced water-based movement, this checks off the last box of movement types I wanted to implement. I really wanted to get this in before the alpha testing so that’s pushed back a bit but it’ll be worth the wait.
The next step, of course, is to create winged humanoid sprite base with a special flying animation. It requires the body to be drawn at a different angle, so it’ll be a while before that gets implemented, but you’ll still see flying units as certain items can give you access to the flying movement type.
As always, thanks so much for checking in with the development process. I’ll try and update more frequently, but know that development continues as planned and I hope to broaden alpha testing in the next few months.
- February Roundup: Portraits & Shadowsby lou
So far this month we have already smoothed out dozens of gameplay features and cleaned up several bugs. This includes visual things like small tweaks to sprite animation problems (animations not playing properly) and proper placement/size of 2D shadows. Both of these have made gameplay look a lot better.
Below we can see how the shadow takes on an appropriate size at all times. Even when a unit’s movement type change to hover and then reverts back to normal. This is also used when a unit jumps across a gap. Since we lack a real third dimension, we have to fake a lot of stuff that requires depth, so little things like this really are very important to get right.
In the tactical role-playing game / SRPG genre, you’re going to have a lot of characters. This includes main characters, side characters, enemies, and even one and done NPCs. All of these require both sprites (obviously, haha), and larger portrait art to be used in both dialog cutscenes and on the in-game UI. As of 2/24 we have a complete set of main character portraits, side character portraits, and five (5) generic job portraits (one for each gender, making 10 total!). For now, our goal is to have proper portrait art for everything included in the demo, which is a lot.
The 40+ scenes in the demo include gameplay and dialog that will most likely change in the actual release version. For now, we’re trying to see what works, and set up a proper pipeline to create scenes and display them in a nice looking user interface. There’s so much that goes into little things like where a text box should show up or when to pan the camera that it’s important to get these fundamentals down pat before creating the entire game.
The screenshots below are from the end of the 3rd scene where our main characters, Belavosi Grandoff and Miranda Donovan meet the talented purple haired Scribe, Relena Farrow. This is just one of many variations of our dialog/scene layout that we have tested. It’s possible that for smaller scenes like this where just a few units are speaking to one another, we’ll use a 2x zoom in. It’s also possible we’ll change up the size and location of the textbox.
Currently we’re just using faces (neck up) for dialog portraits, but since we have 3/4 body portraits to work with, we can try out different sizes (busts are used below). No matter the size, the portraits will all feature a range of different emotions (see Relena in panel 1 & 3).
These are the fine work of our official portrait artist, Pzxl. While I don’t want to spoil everything, they just finished up some of the generic portraits, which are done a bit different than the main character portraits.
For generic units, i.e. units you may recruit or that will join you and have no real distinction other than their Job and gender, we have a paper-doll style system to give you a variety of different looks for similar units. Generic portraits are solely based on the Job, i.e. Warrior, Scribe, etc. There are two variants (usually), one for each gender. On top of that, we have several variation in terms of hair style, hair color, facial features, etc. So even two units with the same Job and gender will have some variety.
- Happy New Year 2024by louIn the last few months of 2023 we had our first closed alpha testing of Dusk Tactics. It was on a very small scale, but it has already provided a lot of helpful feedback.
Some of the goals for 2024 are to expand the scope of the alpha testing, focus on getting a solid stat-growth balance for Jobs, and getting as close as we can to balancing the gameplay before it reaches an open demo release.
To help speed things along, the alpha demo will run in a special fixed resolution 1280×720 windowed mode. There is some work that needs to be done to get the UI working (and looking good) at different resolutions and I don’t want that to hold up gameplay balancing.
The current closed alpha demo (version 0.7) has about 10+ hours of gameplay over 10 scenarios. I plan to cut this down to just the first 3 for now to get the most basic of bugs worked out. The full demo is more of a vertical slice demo in that it features a little bit of everything that would be in the full game, which was the focus of 2023.
I’m still adding the Development Logs from the previous site, I’ve gotten about ~40 of them up so far (covers up until November 2021). I also have some new logs to add as well. I’ll be updating them regularly from now on.
You can see them by clicking “Development Log” on the menu to the left or by going here:
One day I’ll get around to making a proper landing page, but for now the highest # log is the newest. - Happy Holidays 2023by louYet another year has gone by and we got a lot done! In early 2024 we will be expanding the alpha testing to include more people as we continue to iron out all the bugs and start balancing various mechanics! I hope you’ve all had a great holiday and stay tuned for more updates as always!
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays / Happy New Year!!