Orders, or Guilds, are the various institutions that are formed, usually, for the purpose of passing along knowledge and/or teachings. Many of them also function as community centers for the locals. They tend to attract especially devout or talented members who go on to share their knowledge within the confines of the Order.
There are generally three types of Orders, National Orders, Job Orders, Elemental Orders.
National Orders
The creation of National Orders is a fairly recent trend. National Orders act as a guild dedicated to the support, welfare, and defense of whichever nation it was formed in. Normally this duty was relegated to the various Orders that existed locally, as they had members with ties to the local communities and as such would most often act to help one another.
The first National Order to spring up was the Grand Order of Sorenia. There was concern over the growing influence traditional Orders had within Surania’s borders. These were shared by most larger nations who were soon to create National Orders of their own.
These orders are basically extensions of the existing government, but some of the more rural chapters are known for helping their local communities with a variety of things.
Grand Order of Sorenia
The first National Order. It was founded in 801 A.I. as a bulwark against the growing influence of Order both foreign and domestic.
Grand Order of Anastris
A National Order founded shortly after Sorenia founded theirs, in 806 A.I. It was essentially founded for similar reasons as Sorenia, but has come to take the form of civilian-based policing force. They handle many small disputes between citizens of Anastris or small organizations; Really anything within the borders of the nation that end up deemed unworthy of aristocratic intervention.
Job Orders
At one point in time, Job Orders were exactly what the name implies: Orders devoted to the teaching and mastery of a specific Job. As time passed so many different archetypes and sub-archetypes of the original Jobs had been created that they were too numerous to each have their own Order.
Originally eight (8) different Job Orders were established although over time it became ten (10). During these days, a person would spend a lifetime mastering a single Job. Nowadays with advancements in technology and greater communication of knowledge, it is possible to master multiple Jobs. Some even take on a Sub-Job to augment their Main Job. These practices left little choice but for Job Orders to adapt.
Following an era of increased travel and great expansion, it was decided to keep the ten (10) original Orders and simply categorize the various Jobs under them. This took many years before an effective system was worked out, but in the end it gave us the ‘Ten Schools of Mastery’. Each Job, depending on how advanced it is has as many as four (4) Schools incorporated into it. Single School Jobs are directly managed by their respective Job Order and as such are known as entry level Jobs. The main rule coming from this system is that no two Jobs can have the same set of Schools.
The ten (10) School of Mastery are categorized as follows:

This system was refined over a very long time such that the identities of the original ten (10) Jobs aren’t even known anymore, however there are some clues.
Job Orders require that your current Main Job be associated with their Order for you to be considered a valid member. Should you change Jobs to another School your membership becomes suspsended, but will be there waiting for you should you change back. This really only affects things like doing quests and earning reputation with the various Orders.
Order of Tyr
The Order of Tyr, sometimes jokingly referred to as the Order of Order is a School that focuses around balance and harmony. It sees rules as the best way to discipline oneself. They are mainly associated with the Starter Job, Scribe. This Order is a common starting point for those who want to learn the very basics of Magick but can be used for those who simply want to train their mental accuity.
Order of Panacea
This Order is strongly associated with the Light of Lucina and trains those who seek to learn the art of healing. It is also the entry point for learning Prayer which is often used with healing. Their entry level Job is the Cleric which is a Tier II Job. This is usually not the first Order for someone and much of their members transfer here from the Order of Tyr.
Order of Minerva
Known for it’s deep blue banner, this Order is home to the Guard, a Job that revolves around physical combat with a special focus on defense. Much like the Order of Panacea, members usually transfer here from the Order of Astrea as there are pre-requisites that must be met. The Order of Minerva is sometimes called the Order of Knights as this is where Knights are made. One will learn the art of defense and protection at this noble Order.
Order of Astrea
Purity, Honor, and Valor are the pillars for the Order of Astrea. Often working with the Order of Minerva as both tend to focus on physical combat and hold honor in high regard. The Order of Astrea is known for it’s light blue emblem and is the starting point for many adventurers as it holds the Starter Job, Soldier. If you think you’ll end up working with a weapon, this is the Order you will start with.
Order of Indra
The third and final Starter Job is central to this Order, the Scout. The Order of Indra serves as an a gateway to stealth, ranged combat, and sabotage. While many may join up with Indra to learn ranged weapons, those who stay end up learning some very advanced skills useful in the world of espionage. The deep green emblem of Indra is split vertically. This serves as a reminder to train both your body and your mind.
Order of Artemis
If one wants to truly master ranged combat, then they will require the Order of Artemis. Their training deals with focus, like highly precise thrusts or accurately fired arrows. One often transfers here after learning in the Order of Indra to advance their combat skills. The Archer, a Tier II Job, is the entry level Job for this Order. Many of it’s members are in fact Archers or Hunters, the latter of which are provided space for raising and training animals and/or beasts. They also provide members with a place to store their furry friends.
Order of Hermet
While this is an old order, it’s current regimen is relatively new. The Order of Hermet, also known as the Hermetic Order, is a place where academia flourishes. Members must be willing to learn the various Sciences, which can be a grueling process. The entry level Job is thought to be the Chemist as this Order produces almost all potions, tonics, remedies and other such items that one can find on the shelves of any General Store. This is Order is also known for having extremely eccentric high ranking representatives that often make it their business to weed out potential members who don’t have what it takes.
Order of Makai
To many young adventurers, this is the Order they strive to join. It’s entry level Job is the Warrior, which is a Tier II Job, so most begin at the Order of Astrea and transfer over. The Order of Makai is all about might makes right. Their main focus is offensive power, usually physical power. Whether wielding weapons or not, you’re expected to do some serious damage if you want to remain in this Order. Makai prides itself on training Monks, something it does in tandem with the Order of Panacea.
Order of Mnemosyne
Pronounced ‘Neh-mo-seen’, this Order is not for beginners. It’s the ultimate source of Magickal research and as such produces many powerful magick users. The entry level Job is the Mage, which requires some time spent in the Order of Tyr as a Scribe. Within the Order there exists many different Schools of Magick, so much so that it can be hard to keep them all under control. While most Guild Halls for this Order support the basic types of magick, there are some that focus on just one type. It is said that these more esoteric Guild Halls are home to those who have mastered very specific types of Magick that only they can teach. Everything you do with this Order will involve some sort of Magick. Some of the more hardened members of this Order tend to look down upon non-magick users and show nothing but disdain those who use Prayer.
Order of Entropy
Many who try and join the Order of Entropy end up surprised at the apparent lack of organization. This Order is not always associated with things that are above board. Their entry level Job is rumored to be the Rogue, but there’s real guidance as to how one does this. The Order of Tyr is constantly bringing complaints against the Order of Entropy to the High Council, as the two don’t necessarily see eye to eye. The deep black emblem matches this Order’s mood and good luck finding a Guild Hall as few exist.
Elemental Orders
These are long standing groups that have mostly expanded throughout the entire continent. Some of them act as religious organizations while others offer guidance in the ways of their respective Elemental. Anyone with a natural affinity towards a certain element is always welcome at their Elemental Order, and for the most part is the only thing really used as a requirement for membership. However, most Elemental Orders are open to anyone.
Wind of Aura
This Elemental Order represents the will of Galago the First One who is said to have created the wind. Home to many Gala Elemental masters and followers of Galago, it boasts a moderately large membership. It attracts many who make use of bladed weapons due to the way the wind can cut like a sword.
Land of Gaea
This Elemental Order represents that which is commanded by Teranigmus the Second One who is said to have created the very land beneath our feet. There are many who enjoy the Tera Elemental Arts, especially for defensive and offensive forms of combat. Teranigmus is seen as a very important part of Feylin culture. It has a moderate following, but ranks near the top among Feylins.
Flow of Saga
This Elemental Order represents the waters of Aquatis the Third One. This is an Order well known to farmers, fishermen, and healers alike. Some even see it in a religious way as they feel Aquatis can calm the seas, or bring the rain. It has a very large membership.
Heat of Mariel
This Elemental Order represents the power of Pyracule the Fourth One. Pyracule, also known as Pyranaga presides over the Pyra Element which due to it’s immense power is coveted by Mages and Spellblades alike. It has a moderately large population, almost all of whom are adventurers looking to enhance their skills. Heat of Mariel and Land of Gaea often see themselves as rival Orders.
Bolt of Sango
This Elemental Order represents the life of Voltania the Fifth One who struck like lightning and crashed like thunder. Most of their Guild Halls are found on the central or western end of the continent due to House Vyce laying claim to Voltania in the east. In the east, people revere House Vyce like they would Voltania due to the legend that says the incarnation of Voltania is born to this noble family.
Frost of Ryme
This Elemental Order represents the chilling domain of Rimacole the Sixth One, also known as Rimacine. They are essentially the last of the base Elementals and in some cases not even considered a true Elemental. This confusion is caused by early scholars combining texts about Rimacole with Aquatis. Some of these mention Rimacole as an apostle of Aquatis. The mere fact that the Rima Element is mainly used with water to make ice, doesn’t help matters either. This is a smaller Order, but it has grown in recent times.
Light of Lucina
This Elemental Order represents the so called goddess, Lumalent of the Dawn, who is revered as the Holy Mother, The Almighty and many other names given to her over the years. One of the largest Orders in existance, the Light of Lucina acts as a church for most of its followers. They provide food and shelter for anyone and tend to send missionaries wherever “the light doesn’t shine”.
Shroud of Nyx
This Elemental Order represents the will of Noxarasmus of the Dusk who is said to have fathered the dark arts. Home to many Noxa Elemental masters and followers of Noxarasmus.