Development Log #069
Development Log #069
Directional Damage & Synchronized Animation – January 13th 2023
I noticed recently that damage was a bit flat. When a unit gets hit, it doesn’t have the exact visual feel I am going for, so I decided to try out nudging units in the direction they are hit. It sort of simulates physics in the sense that getting hit from one direction should effect which direction the sprite is nudged.
This effect will happen with all types of damage. It actually fixes a broader problem I didn’t even realize I had. You may have noticed sometimes the tiles shake or have a rippling effect. Well I completely forgot to extend this movement to the objects and units on top of those tiles. So now when a tile rumbles, the objects on top of the tile will also rumble. It looks a lot more natural now.
Another issue I had was with the Scenario Editor and how it was a bit difficult to make actions and visual effects look right. The fix was creating something that in hindsight is very obvious, a ‘Wait’ command. This command simply waits x amount of milliseconds before performing the next event. Using this here and there during certain scenes creates a much smoother appearance.
Note: Remember, some of the images and gameplay depicted here may be outdated and does not represent the current state of the game!