Development Log #027
Development Log #027 (Archived)
Unit Tests & Early AI – July 11th 2019
Automated tests of the basic combat system have begun! This is something done before we move on to closed alpha to make sure all of the obvious bugs are found. Right now, as it is, the game is functional, as in you can play against an AI, albeit a terrible AI, but an AI nonetheless. The automated tests are running as many as two teams of 10 units, one of each basic Job, on a 20 x 20 map (Thats 20 AI Units on a 20 x 20 map). The healers heal, the defenders defend (sometimes attack), attackers, both ranged and melee seek out their target to the best of their abilities. It’s a very basic, but very rewarding event given the long road it took to get here.
Since I am currently running and developing on a laptop there is slowdown, almost all of it is due to my setup which will hopefully change. Currently I cannot keep a solid 60FPS with more than 20 units on the map, a solid 30FPS is the goal for now, but again this is limited by my laptop.
[Note: These issues have long been taken care of and the current engine runs at a solid 60 FPS]
The Latest Changes
Since I got the combat system in it’s infant stage, some pillars are in place. First, attacks CAN miss, however due to early testing I swapped the hit/miss system for a more engaging hit/graze/miss with blocking to come. Your unit has an accuracy rating, let’s say at level 5 it’s 75%. This used to mean 25% of your attacks would miss, however this value is now scaled so that at 50% accuracy, you have a 90% chance to AT LEAST make contact. This is what we call a Graze. It’s a much weaker attack, and it’s TBD whether or not the XP/JP will be reduced as well, but currently it is much better than having tons of misses. Your chance to miss in general is less than 10%, but it can happen. I want every units turn to count, and to have constant misses is pretty demoralizing and sort of disengaging. With Grazes, you can still do damage, this will come in handy when we go beyond basic attacks and start dealing with status effects. That Poison Jab that keeps grazing your opponent will actually have a chance to poison them whereas constant misses gets nothing done.
Note: The images on some of these older development logs might show resources that are copyrighted or have other use restrictions. None of these resources are used in the current version of the game and they were never used in any version that was released at any time.