Main Characters
Main Characters
Dusk Tactics has a lively cast of main characters, many of which you’ll meet along the way. There are, however, two main characters which the start of the story revolves around.

One of the first main characters you’ll meet. Belavosi is a tough read, he seems to be very capable when it comes to combat, but often comes off a bit aloof to those around him.

Miranda is skilled with a bow and, as a Feylin, has enhanced senses and a deep connection to the Elementals. She is currently travelling alongside a man named Belavosi Grandoff. The two seem to be on equal footing and they definitely have a history together.

Kestral Vyce, heiress to House Vyce, is quite the unorthodox aristocrat. While she is proud of House Vyce, she has no interest in being Countess and is often found fighting on the front lines. She prefers heavy armor and a lance, which she wields with more than adequate skill. She also has a strange affinity with the Voltaic Elemental.