Unit Attributes
Units in Dusk Tactics have a multitude of different stats, or attributes, that are used to measure their prowess in a variety of fields. All of them fall into one of four categories as listed below. Visit the individual pages for more information.
Attributes can be divided into several different categories:
- Primary Attributes are the core building blocks of a unit and are made up of seven different stats. These stats are known as Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Vitality, Intellect, Wisdom, and Luck. They are used to calculate most of the more direct stats seen below.
- Secondary Attributes include Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Magick Power, Magick Resist, Speed, Accuracy, and Critical Hit Chance. These stats are used in most formulae to determine health, attack damage, magick resistance, and more.
- Resource Attributes often have minimum and maximum values. This is because they include resource pools like Health Point (HP), Magick Points (MP), Experience Points (XP), Job Points (JP), and so on. Some of these are influenced by the attributes mentioned above while others simply represent progress towards the next Level or Job Rank.
- Miscellaneous Attributes(below) are made up of everything that is left over. These are often values that don’t change much or are directly dependent on the current Job, or Equipment. These attributes are covered below.
Miscellaneous Attributes
A measure of unit power. Upon gaining 100 XP, the unit will experience a ‘Level Up’. During a ‘Level Up’ the stats of the unit increase based on their currently equipped Job and their XP is reset to 0.
In a system like this, the amount of XP earned tends to be relative to the Level of the unit. For most interactions between units, something called Level Difference is calculated with the XP earned being higher if the acting unit is at a lower Level than the target unit and vice versa. Level Difference is also used to modify Accuracy for some Attacks and Abilities. Essentially higher Level units have a better chance at hitting lower Level units.
The current level cap is 99, but this may be increased or decreased for game balance.

Job Rank
Similar to Level, Job Rank is a measure of how well trained the Unit is in a particular Job, in most cases it refers to the currently equipped Job. More advanced Jobs will have more Ranks and have a higher JP threshold. Job Ranks unlock Passives as well as increase the JP the unit will earn. Job Ranks may also unlock more advanced Jobs, as some Jobs require you to reach a certain Rank in a previous Job.

Movement Type
This determines how a unit moves across various terrains. It is limited in terms of distance and height by the Move and Jump values below. There are over a dozen different move types, each having specific rules for moving over Land, Water, and Lava. Each of these sub-sets has a rating that details the movement costs for the specified terrain. These are values such as None (not traversable) and Average (base move cost).
There are 10 presets specified for Land Movement, and 3 each for Water and Lava. The majority of terrain is land, with some water and very little lava.
Land | Water | Lava | |
None | None | None | None |
Frail | Rigid | None | None |
Slow | Rigid | Wade | None |
Normal | Average | Wade | None |
Athletic | Average | Swim | None |
Agile | Nimble | Swim | None |
Fast | Nimble | Walk | None |
Hover | Hover | Hover | Hover |
Fly | Ignore | Bypass | Bypass |
Warp | Ignore | None | None |
Aquatic | None | Swim | None |
Amphibean | Rigid | Swim | None |
Molten | None | None | Swim |
Aquawalk | Average | Walk | None |
Firewalk | Average | None | Walk |
Allwalk | Average | Walk | Walk |
These terms are shared between Land, Water, and Lava.
- None
- Ignore/Bypass
- Hover
Movement is not allowed.
Ignores movement restrictions when moving through the tile. (doesn’t necessarily allow one to stand on the tile)
Default setting for units that float.
These terms exist only for Land Terrain which makes up the majority of terrain.
- Rigid
- Average
- Nimble
Move Costs greater than 1 are further increased by 1.
Move Cost is set to default value.
Move Costs greater than 1 are reduced by 1. (Minimum Move Cost Value: 1)
Water terrain comes in different depths, shallow water can usually be waded through while deep water requires swimming.
- Walk
- Wade
- Swim
Units stand on it as if it were land with default Move Cost of 1 regardless of depth.
Move through shallow water but Move Cost is increased by 1.
Move through any depth of water at 1 Move Cost.
Very rare terrain that is essentially molten lava, similar to water except depth doesn’t matter.
- Walk
- Swim
Units stand on it as if it were land with default Move Cost of 1.
Move through lava with Move Cost at 1.

A value that represents the distance the unit can move in one turn. Map tiles have various move costs depending on their type. The default for the tile cost value is 1 with harder to traverse tiles having as much as double the move cost. Paying attention to what tiles you step on is a very important part of the overall strategy as it not only effects how far you can move but it also has offensive, defensive, and elemental bonuses/penalties.

Similar to the move stat except this determines the ability to traverse tiles that are either higher or lower than the one the unit is currently on. The value itself determines the maximum height difference a unit can traverse.
When moving to a higher location: $$Jump = |Jump|$$
When moving to a lower location: $$Jump = |Jump|+1$$

Elemental Resistance
Units have individual resistances to each of the eight (8) elements. Resistances have a base value which is dependent on Intellect and Wisdom. Resistances can be raised by Passives, Equipment, Buffs, and a number of different methods. The value shown is basically the percentage that is reduced, or added for negative values. So a resistance value of 30 will reduce damage from that Element by 30%.
Base Elements: Pyra/Tera/Gala/Aqua/Vola/Rima $$(Base \:Resistance)_{Element} = {(Intellect*0.075)} + ({Wisdom \over 8})$$
Advanced Elements: Luma/Noxa $$(Base \:Resistance)_{Element} = {(Intellect*0.0375)} + ({Wisdom \over 16})$$